速報APP / 生活品味 / Cooking master bane 24 hr

Cooking master bane 24 hr





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Cooking master bane 24 hr(圖1)-速報App

This is one of the intersting,latest and huge recipes application in

24 hours. More about fourteen hundred recipes in one application.

Indian cuisine is hearty, spicy,yet comforting with lots of homegrown

flavours. Quintessential homemade spice mixes, masalas from granny's

pantry and heirloom recipes are quite the trademark. With a diverse

range of preparations spanning vegetarian and non vegetarian recipes,

this cuisine is a minefield for a true lover of Indian food.

This android App content is in Hindi language for delicious cooking

Receipes.Anyone can make tasty and yummy food recipes for easy Hindi

language. All people can make & enjoy tasty dishes step by step using

this application. This app has a huge collection of delicious and healthy

Cooking master bane 24 hr(圖2)-速報App


This application is completely offline & Free to download, so no need

of internet can download the app once and can access all the material

without internet connection .User can easily share recipes for friends,

relative with this application.This app will also help you to bookmark

your favorite receipes for future references, set reminder & easy to

share via SMS, watsapp, facebook, email etc .This application easy to

start, set reminder and move to particular date .

App have Various list are :-

.00: 00: AM to 01:00: AM (Vegetarian recipe)

.01: 00: AM to 02: 00: AM (vegetarian recipe)

Cooking master bane 24 hr(圖3)-速報App

.02: 00: AM to 03:00: AM (Non vegetarian Recipe)

.03: 00: AM to 04: 00: AM (Non vegetarian Recipe)

.04: 00: AM to 05: 00: AM (Rice Recipe)

.05: 00: AM to 06:00: AM (Cheese Recipe)

.06: 00: AM to 07:00: AM (Dal Recipe)

.07: 00: AM to 08: 00: AM (Parantha Recipe)

.08: 00: AM to 09: 00: AM (Desert recipes)

.09: 00: AM to 10: 00: AM (Holy Recipe)

.10: 00: AM to 11: 00: AM (Ramzan recipe)

.11: 00: AM to 12: 00: PM (Barfi & Ladoo Recipe)

.12: 00: PM to 01:00: PM (Drink Recipe)

Cooking master bane 24 hr(圖4)-速報App

.01: 00: PM to 02: 00: PM (Chutney Recipe)

.02: 00: PM to 03:00 PM (Salty snack Recipes)

.03: 00: PM to 04: 00: PM (Sweet Recipe)

.04: 00: PM to 05: 00: PM (Ethnic Recipes)

.05: 00: PM to 06:00: PM (Soup Recipe + Raita Recipe)

.06: 00: PM to 07:00: PM (Ice Cream Recipe + Cake Recipes)

.07: 00: PM to 08: 00: PM (Kadhi Recipe + Milk Recipe)

.08: 00: PM to 09:00: PM (Italian recipe)

.09: 00: PM to 10:00: PM (Fast / Ganesh Chaturthi / Janmashtami)

.10: 00: PM to 11: 00: PM (Latest Recipe)

.11: 00: PM to 12: 00: PM (Latest Recipe)

Cooking master bane 24 hr(圖5)-速報App

.Khana khazana MCQs

This course is helpful to Make tasty yummy dishes, download and enjoy it ..

Cooking master bane 24 hr(圖6)-速報App